Top Social Media Sites of this Generation

Top Social Media Sites of this Generation

Top social media sites include Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. All business owners dream of a sturdy virtual presence. This is a major reason behind the rise of social media sites! Proper use of social networking sites will improve your website’s overall traffic. However, the process of using social media is easy said than done. If you inject social media into your marketing strategy, you should remember to update it periodically. Sounds simple and straightforward right? With this being said, here is a quick walk through top social media networking sites that can change your virtual experience. These social media sites have the power to double your web traffic.

Social Media #1 – Facebook for All!

Facebook has found a place in all our day-to-day lives. Very few people can stay without accessing Facebook! And, if you have a strong presence in Facebook, it will do wonders to your business. Facebook is a simple way to spread strong message. When it comes to group functionality, Facebook plays an important role. From newsfeeds to fan page to frequent posts, you can perform all-important tasks in an effortless manner. Above all, messaging is very easy in Facebook. You can communicate with any number of people in just few clicks of a button and it is very simple to understand and use.

Social Media #2 – Clicks in Instagram

Next to Facebook would be “Instagram”. Both the young and the old tend to rely on Instagram. It is a social media outlet for people with a creative edge. If you are in Facebook, you will find Instagram useful! It is a great way to post scintillating photographs and receive as many likes as possible. Here are a few reasons behind the fame of Instagram:

  • Content from Instagram are of top-notch quality. Photographs with filters, contrast settings and different brightness levels are best displayed in Instagram.
  • Instagram blends with newsfeeds and other social media networking sites perfectly.
  • You can tag and un-tag photos from Instagram easily. Conversely, you don’t have to check if you were tagged in a bad or awkward photograph. This is because no-one can access your clicks or feeds without the right permissions.
  • When compared against other social media sites, Instagram is a closed network. You will not come across people posting more than 100+ pictures every day.

Social Media #3 – Tweets from Twitter

The list of social media sites would remain incomplete without “Twitter”. It is quite interesting to note that very few people have understood the need for Twitter. However, many students and business professionals tweet religiously. Twitter is a fascinating place where a bunch of strangers follow others! Twitter users can be classed into three different categories:

  • Some users express themselves frequently.
  • Some users follow others and love to read tweets. Conversely, they post tweets rarely.
  • Some users are passive readers, who have no intention of tweeting!

Social Media #4 – The simple, addictive Snapchat

Another interesting social media network site that is on the rise would be “Snapchat”. When compared against Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; “Snapchat” is a newbie. It is a simple and composed place where you can keep up with your identity. You will not be tempted to keep track of the number of likes your picture gets or your follower count. Snapchat delights users with very little or no pressure! Unfortunately, this is what makes snapchat very addictive too. It is an unaltered, filtered and handpicked version of the real you!

Social Media #5 – Secrets from Tumblr

There is a very thin line between Tumblr and Twitter! Tumblr is a powerful place where you can follow (and be followed) by a bunch of unknown people; however, you can do all this without your identity attached! Tumblr is often identified as a secretive society that very few people want to dwell in! Due to its lack of identity, ardent users consider it as a judgment free zone. In Tumblr, your name wouldn’t be attached to any post. Instead, control flows with a unique URL that can be changed easily.

A few others you may want to check out…

The list of effective social media networking sites is quite long. More of the famous names would be Yik Yak, LinkedIn, Medium, HiFi, Pinterest, WhatsApp, GroupMe and Kik! Each of these sites are loaded with fine-tuned features that can keep you connected and occupied all day long!


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